eCube Programmable embedded micro controller.

Enterprise Cube

Do you need a full facility control system that your budget simply can't allow? The beauty of the eCUBE controllers is that they can be used to automate certain aspects of your processes now. When you implement a centralized control system in the future, the eCUBE controllers can easily be incorporated into it due to their inherent network capabilities.

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Simply put, the eCUBE is a compact control device with enough processing power and on-board I/O to handle virtually all local area control requirements. The versatility of this small unit is unparalleled in the controls industry. While the built-in user interface defines the unit as a perfect solution for dedicated equipment control, the inherent network capabilities also make it a viable solution for plant-wide distributed intelligence designs.

The eCUBE can be purchased as a raw controller or in prewired standard packages. Signal conditioning boards and I/O modules are also available to allow the unit to monitor and control all industry standard digital signal levels.

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Want to program it yourself? The inherent funconality of the eCUBE operating system dramatically simplifies program development requirements. Simple method calls are provided to handle low-level tedious tasks (analog value scaling, screen posioning, etc...).

-An inexpensive reliable solution.
-A comprehensive local user-interface.
-Local set-point modifications.
-Standalone complete process control.
-Local alarm notifications.
-Analog signal-based monitoring/control.
-Full interface capabilities to communicate with a central control system.
- Remote master/slave process control from a central control system.
-Capability to detect a central control system failure and temporarily retake control of the local process.

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